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Ensuring that our Client's Employees Receive the

"Right Care at the Right Time" 


Introducing AXIS-CARE 24-7, the answer to your 24-7 medical management needs. We combine seasoned risk management expertise with occupational nurses for an uncompromising commitment to protecting the health of your business, while providing the highest quality care for your employees.


Our nurses become "Your Company Nurse" to help facilitate more appropriate health care utilization.


  • Our 24-7 AXIS-CARE experienced Registered Nurses are specially trained in workplace injuries and emergency medicine.

    •  When an injury call is received, your AXIS-CARE assigned Nurse speaks with the supervisor and the injured employee and then compiles relevant information about the incident, including; employee history, mechanism of injury, symptoms and jobsite location.

    • The nurse assesses the injury and recommends a plan of care that includes first-aid instructions and a home care plan when prudent.

    • The nurse answers all questions and makes sure all parties are in agreement and comfortable with the plan.

  • When employees do need to see a physician, our caring nurses guide them to specified panel physicians with preferred appointments and care.

  • Our nurses follow up with providers and the patient to ensure the best care is received and appropriate company reporting and protocols are followed. 


AXIS-CARE nurses are available 24-7, with zero wait times.


                            PROVEN SUCCESS

Our success is measured by the immediate and measurable results we produce for our clients. In fact, the average reduction in cases requiring medical attention ranges from 66-75%. Think about what happens to your Performance Indicators and Insurance claim costs! OSHA rates and Experience Modification Rates are also reduced. 



  • Improved Employee Relations

  • Lower OSHA Recordable Incident Rates

  • Improved Performance Indicators

  • Reduced Workers Comp Claims

  • Employee Lost Time Elimination

  • Litigation Case Elimination



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